P-04-565 Revive Disused Railway Lines for Leisure – Correspondence from the Petitioner to the Clerking Team, 09.02.15

Dear Kayleigh,


Thank you for your email and the letter from the Minister. Sadly I am unable to assist in producing a business case as I do not have the resources or the necessary expertise to produce a robust business case for the Committee to consider.


I would, however, encourage the Minister to commission research into utilising the disused railway lines as I believe they have a future for promoting and encouraging tourism in Wales; with the subsequent financial and fitness benefits to Wales and the rural areas.


During my military career as a helicopter instructor, I spent many hours flying around Wales and was heartbroken to see the many railways lines going to waste. I truly believe that the benefits to the people of Wales would justify serious consideration to using these routes for tourism and encouraging healthy activities.


Yours sincerely,


Albie Fox

Sqn Ldr RAF Retired.